What is managed IT services?

Sentinal IT Managed services allow businesses to delegate their IT operations to an expert third-party organisation that specialises in handling these responsibilities. Sentinal IT become responsible and trusted partner for the management of your business IT systems.

  • Stronger IT security
  • Strategic budgeting and predictable costs
  • Operational efficiency and business growth
  • Data protection you can count on
  • A proactive approach

Make Significant Cost Savings

One of the major reasons you’re probably hesitant about hiring a managed services provider for your technology needs is the cost.

Well, what if we told you working with Sentinal IT is the cheapest option you have?

It’s true. To understand how cost-effective Sentinal IT is, you have to consider the other option, which is having an in-house team. Depending on the size of your IT Infrastructure, you might need anywhere from one specialist to a team of several employees.

Give Your Business an IT Edge

In a competitive marketplace, there’s a lot you have to do to stay ahead of your competitors. Does your business have an IT edge?

It’s one thing to use technology in your business and it’s another thing to ensure the technology is working optimally and to the benefit of your business. So many businesses have the right technology for their needs but just don’t know how to get the most out of it.

This is why you need to be working with Sentinal IT as your managed IT service provider. Sentinal IT professionals will ensure you’re putting your technology to the best use.

And because we monitor your systems in real-time, your business will be able to prevent IT failures that can result in costly downtimes.

In Home Support For Your Employees

Having your work force distributed makes it very challenging to provide quality support for your staff which decreases productivity, increases the support workload, and creates the potential for security holes. Sentinal IT are ready to put our expert staff to work supporting your employees in their homes.

If your employees need:

  • Stable network connections and wi-fi
  • Firewall configurations
  • Audio and video conferencing
  • VPN setup and configuration
  • VoIP setup


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arrange an assessment of your IT managed services needs